Most Popular 25 Course Mixed Bundle (All Ages)

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Features & Benefits to the Homeschooling
Instructor (User) & Student (Learner)

Knowledge Transfer & Retention System™ Software (Complimentary Access)

  • Award winning
  • Easy to access and utilize
  • Auto-scheduling and reminders
  • Custom course curriculum and Knowledge Retention System™ builder
  • Customizable libraries and learning groups
  • Customizable assessment reporting system
  • Auto assessment reporting to instructor and learner
  • 24/7/365 access through any internet search engine
  • Holds student self-accountable
  • Instructor can build courses geared to the individual needs of each student
  • Automatic grading feature saves instructor time
  • An instructor can easily assign due dates
  • Student can easily see when assignments are due or overdue
  • Instructor can set values and parameters for passing grades on quizzes
  • Student can self-enroll in courses of interest
  • Saves instructor time by having all students and assignments in one place
  • Provides a format to foster healthy learning competition
  • Enables instructor creativity through customized questions and answers on assessments and quizzes
  • Instructors can incorporate family values into their learning curriculum

Life & Career
Preparation Courses

  • Pulse Learning™ courses for the new generation of learner
  • Award-winning courses – 5 years consecutively
  • Delivery methods prescribed by major universities for best online learning format
  • Printable and downloadable course materials
  • Knowledge Fortification System™ to reinforce knowledge learned over time
  • Languages available…English, French, Chinese Simplified, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Canadian French, Thai
  • Courses updated every 4 months throughout the year
  • Courses in compliance with the latest state and other regulatory bodies
  • Effectively fills vital gaps in core curriculum
  • Provides effective communication and conflict resolution tools, which can strengthen relationships
  • Fosters love of learning and growth mindset
  • Improves student’s time management skills
  • Gives student competitive edge when entering corporate or trade career world
  • Gives student the social and leadership skills for which future employers are seeking
  • Students can view videos together, and use discussion questions to solidify concepts
  • Provides future entrepreneurs tools to build a successful business
  • Increases student confidence with social communications
  • Enhances problem solving skills
  • Correlates with Lominger Competencies to guide students through corporate world expectations

Most Popular 25 Course Mixed Bundle (All Ages)

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Course MacroTopicCourse TitleCourse LengthCourse Detailed Description
Printable Course Material (Y/N)
Retention Assessments (Y/N)The Retention Assessment is a series of questions following a course. These questions relate to the video that the learner watched to evaluate what they retained and to enhance the learning experience.

All of our courses come with downloadable student materials, this helps give the learner and trainee an understanding of the course that was taken and the learning outcomes that can now be applied. The documents include a course summary, outline of key learning points, and application questions the learner can discuss with their trainee or contemplate on their own.
Knowledge Fortification (Y/N)Studies routinely show that within one hour of completing a course, learners will have forgotten close to 50 percent of the information shown. Fast forward a week later and the learner will have forgotten over 90 percent of the information. You need an easy way to reinforce the training, and that’s why we created our Knowledge Transfer & Retention System™.
How Knowledge Fortification works:

  • 2 days post course curriculum learner receives a refresher exam question.

  • 2 weeks post course curriculum, the learner receives a second refresher exam question.

  • 2 months post course curriculum learner receives a third refresher exam question.

  • 4 months post course curriculum learner receives a brief video recap (under 2 minutes) of the lesson along with an exam question.

  • This is part of the retention system which reinforces learning.
Course SeriesCourse BundleCourse #
Language & Culture Captions(EN-English, ES-Espanola, ZH-Chinese, DE-German, FR-French, CF-Canadian French, PT-Portuguese, TH-Thai)
LeadershipBecoming a Great Leader: Characteristics4:17What makes a great leader? The simple answer is: A leader is a collection of traits that work well together. So what are those traits? We're going to go through the list, and breakdown each of the traits and characteristics a good leader has. YYYBecoming a Great LeaderCareer Skills PreparationBS0493EN, ES, ZH, DE, FR, CF, PT, TH
LeadershipBecoming a Great Leader: How to be a Follow-able Leader9:12Who are the people that everyone wants to work for? What are their behaviors? Their characteristics? What makes them so likeable? Over the years, we've seen patterns emerge and there are three common traits that excellent leaders share. In this course, we'll go over those traits and discuss the different ways that followable leaders lead. YYNBecoming a Great LeaderCareer Skills PreparationBS0500EN, ES, ZH, DE, FR, CF, PT, TH
LeadershipBecoming a Great Leader: Motivational Leadership5:01So what makes a great motivational leader? You have to be able to recognize the motivational truths in your employees. You may learn that not everybody is completely unmotivated.YYYBecoming a Great LeaderCareer Skills PreparationBS0504
LeadershipBecoming a Great Leader: Empowering Followers4:02As a leader, how do you empower your employees, your followers? It starts with a vision. Your vision for the organization is to have an empowered company, where employees are able to make a difference. YYYBecoming a Great LeaderCareer Skills PreparationBS0498EN, ES, ZH, DE, FR, CF, PT, TH
LeadershipBecoming a Great Leader: Developing Yourself4:10You know what it takes to be a good leader. You know what it takes to develop a follower. So now the question is, how do you develop yourself as a leader? YYYBecoming a Great LeaderCareer Skills PreparationBS0496EN, ES, ZH, DE, FR, CF, PT, TH
Professional ProductivityBreaking Bad Habits: 01. Breaking Bad Habits0:03:52The band Chicago sang about it circa 1984 in "Hard Habit to Break," but they are hardly the only ones that have struggled with a bad habit. Bad habits can affect every area of your life, including your rock star (or other) career. But how can you break them? That's where your loyal agents at GECBTS come in. We'll set the stage for breaking down those automatic habits, and show you how to rewrite the script, giving you the power to play a new, more positive, set.YYYBreaking Bad HabitsCareer Skills PreparationBS0650EN, ES, ZH, DE, FR, CF, PT, TH
Professional ProductivityBreaking Bad Habits: 02. Establishing Good Habits0:03:15On the flip side of breaking up with bad habits is moving on with the good. How does one establish those good habits, you inquire? This course thought you'd never ask! It meets you at the first step of defining your goals, then accompanies you through how to remain faithful, all the while empowering you to make that final commitment...with success!YYYBreaking Bad HabitsCareer Skills PreparationBS0651EN, ES, ZH, DE, FR, CF, PT, TH
Finance for Non-Financial PeopleBudgeting Essentials 01: What is Budgeting?1:53Every employee with every company impacts the budget of the business they work for, either directly or indirectly. Whether you're an accountant, supervisor, janitor, marketing intern, or anything in between, understanding your company's budgetary expectations and goals will help you be a better employee. In this course, we'll go over the basics of budgeting, including the different types, common timelines, necessary details, and objectives. YYNBudgeting EssentialsCareer Skills PreparationBS0347EN, ES, ZH, DE, FR, CF, PT, TH
Finance for Non-Financial PeopleBudgeting Essentials 02: Budgeting Methods3:02It's important to understand which types of budget will work best for your purposes. This course takes a look at the different types of budgets that are used depending on the strategy. We'll go over the most common types of business budgets. Zero-based, Top-Down, Bottom-Up, Value Proposition, and Incremental. Each budgeting method has its pros and cons, and understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each one can help you determine which is the most appropriate for your company at any given stage.YYNBudgeting EssentialsCareer Skills PreparationBS0348EN, ES, ZH, DE, FR, CF, PT, TH
CommunicationsActive Listening5:12To listen actively, you have to pay attention. You can't multitask, you can't avoid eye contact, you can't assume, and you can't be formulating your response. You have to hear the information. It needs to enter your brain, and then your brain needs to think about it. It's a much more complex task than we might think. This program discusses several ways to be a better listener, and the many things that often get in the way of listening well.YYYCareer Skills PreparationBS0190EN, ES, ZH, DE, FR, CF, PT, TH
Communications02. Persuasive Communication: Techniques06:12Imagine being able to get anything you wanted or needed in your professional life. Your power of persuasion plays a large part in the results you get. Some people are naturally persuasive, while others need to be coached or trained on how to persuade the right way. This course goes through many techniques for improvement.YYYPersuasive CommunicationCareer Skills PreparationBS0189EN, ES, ZH, DE, FR, CF, PT, TH
CommunicationsNonverbal Communication: Aligning Nonverbal Communication with Intentions4:56Aligning nonverbal communication with our intentions means that our body language matches what we’re trying to communicate. Alignment happens naturally, but when there’s a disconnect, that’s when miscommunication happens. That might lead to confusion, conflict, or negative feelings. In the workplace, miscommunication can lead to poor teamwork or missed deadlines. This program is designed to help viewers develop new habits that reflect what their goals are because they may not even be aware that their nonverbals and intentions aren’t aligned.YYYNonverbal CommunicationCareer Skills PreparationBS0223EN, ES, ZH, DE, FR, CF, PT, TH
CommunicationsSmile!7:15Smiling has a great impact on ourselves and those around us. Smiling affects everything from our health to our work productivity. This course reviews the positive outcomes of smiling and it gives advice on how to practice a genuine smile.YYYNonverbal CommunicationCareer Skills PreparationBS0223EN, ES, ZH, DE, FR, CF, PT, TH
CommunicationsAssertive Verbal Skills: Assertive Communication Techniques10:41There will be times when you need to speak up for yourself. This program teaches on how to communicate more assertively. We touch on "how" to speak assertively using your voice and body, and we discuss "what" to say. YYNAssertive Verbal SkillsCareer Skills PreparationBS0191EN, ES, ZH, DE, FR, CF, PT, TH
CommunicationsHow to be a Great Conversationalist6:40Being a good conversationalist comes in handy both personally and professionally, and it comes easier to some than others. This course takes an in-depth look at what it takes to have a successful, two-sided conversation. We’ll go over 10 rules that apply to any discussion, whether you’re a professional communicator, or one who struggles with striking up a conversation. These rules include focusing on the positives, embracing differences, and asking purposeful questions.YYYCareer Skills PreparationBS0215EN, ES, ZH, DE, FR, CF, PT, TH
CommunicationsCommunicating with Confidence4:06:00In every interaction, it’s not what you communicate, but how you communicate that can make all the difference. Do you communicate with confidence? What does that even mean? Well, you must be able to cultivate the emotional control, insight, charisma, and courage to voice your ideas. In this program, we want to discuss confident communication and the steps you can take to be great at it. We’ll cover identifying and controlling your emotions, identifying goals, having clear views, preparation, and respect.YYYCommunicating With The C-SuiteCareer Skills PreparationBS0195EN, ES, ZH, DE, FR, CF, PT, TH
Professional Productivity03. Conflict Management: The Conflict Process07:33Once you're able to maintain your own emotions, there are things you can do to help calm down others involved in the conflict. You can think of this as helping move someone's mood from that red zone to a much calmer, yellow or green zone. There's an EASY process for this, which we'll discuss here.YYYConflict ManagementCareer Skills PreparationBS0648EN, ES, ZH, DE, FR, CF, PT, TH
Professional ProductivityEffective Time Management: 01. How to Manage Your Time0:05:45You've probably heard some version of the phrase "manage your time or it will manage you." We're all busy and trying to get as much done as possible in our workday. Time management isn't simply about getting as many tasks done each day as possible. Time management is really about streamlining your work processes in order to make you more efficient, and this course will get you started.YYYEffective Time ManagementCareer Skills PreparationBS0672EN, ES, ZH, DE, FR, CF, PT, TH
Professional ProductivityCommon Time Management Problems: 01. Procrastination0:04:23Take a look at your to-do list. Is there anything on the list that you've been avoiding for one reason or another? If you're like most people, you probably procrastinate occasionally. But how do you recognize that you're procrastinating? And what can you do to get yourself back on track? Let's find out.YYYCommon Time Management ProblemsCareer Skills PreparationBS0659EN, ES, ZH, DE, FR, CF, PT, TH
Decision MakingDecision Making Basics: 02. Understanding Motivation04:58.000Motivation is defined as "the activation of goal-pursuing behavior." It's what drives people to get things done, and is essential to a productive workplace. It's important to understand your own motivation when making critical decisions. We'll discuss the two types of motivation, extrinsic and intrinsic, and how they impact our choices. We'll also talk about hidden motivators known as "cognitive biases." Understanding your personal cognitive biases is key to making objective and sound choices.YYYDecision Making BasicsCareer Skills PreparationBS0289EN, ES, ZH, DE, FR, CF, PT, TH
Professional ProductivityThe Growth Mindset: 01. The Growth Mindset: Embracing Yet0:06:08Perhaps you've heard people throwing around the phrase "growth mindset" lately. It's a popular topic right now. The source of all the chatter is Stanford professor, Carol Dweck's 2006 book called Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. Throughout her book, Dweck compares a GROWTH mindset with a FIXED mindset. In this series, we'll discuss the differences between these two mindsets. For this first program, we want you to understand the importance of embracing "yet," which comes from having a growth mindset. "Yet" means that you know or expect something to happen in the future. It just hasn't happened "by now."YYYThe Growth MindstateCareer Skills PreparationBS0748EN, ES, ZH, DE, FR, CF, PT, TH
Professional ProductivityThe Growth Mindset: 03. Limitations of a Fixed Mindset0:05:40The fixed mindset is tempting. It's a comfortable place to live and work. Believing that you already know what you're good at, and what you're not good at, gives you the opportunity to pick and choose what you try and what you don't. It gives you the ability to put yourself in situations where you'll be successful, and to avoid situations where you might fail or be embarrassed. It's safe, but it's limiting. Chances are, you're living in a fixed mindset more often than you think. In this course, we'll go over how to know when you're in this cycle of negativity and what the risks are. We'll also go over failure, practice, and how to "fix" a fixed mindset.YYYThe Growth MindstateCareer Skills PreparationBS0750EN, ES, ZH, DE, FR, CF, PT, TH
Health and WellnessThe Science of Sleep: How Much Sleep Do You Need7:04Most of us don't get enough sleep at night. We burn the candle at both ends, trying to do more, which results in less sleep. How much sleep do you need? There's no one size fits all answer to that question, but this course will help give you an idea.YYNThe Science of SleepCareer Skills PreparationBS0436EN, ES, ZH, DE, FR, CF, PT, TH
Professional ProductivityImproving Memory: 01. Why Can't I Remember Anything?0:06:17Have you ever exclaimed, frustrated, "I'd forget my head, were it not attached!"? Many of us have, and we can chalk occasional forgetfulness up to just being human. But oftentimes, there's more going on. Certain lifestyle factors can work against our memory function. This course explores these factors, enabling you to take better control and reduce the times you feel like you're "losing it!"YYYImproving MemoryCareer Skills PreparationBS0696EN, ES, ZH, DE, FR, CF, PT, TH
Business Basics02. Respect: How to be Respected09:04Respect is something that's gained, earned, and deserved. It's not something that's automatically given. In this program we're going to look at some qualities and behaviors that will help you earn respect at work.YYYRespectCareer Skills PreparationBS0070EN, ES, ZH, DE, FR, CF, PT, TH

Most Popular 25 Course Mixed Bundle (All Ages)

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